5 Design Ideas to Make Your Home Spring Ready

“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’” — Robin Williams

With spring right around the corner, and the longer, warmer days ahead of us, there’s no time like today to start thinking about how to freshen up your home’s interior design and decor. Whether you like to keep it simple by adding fresh flowers to bud vases or if you just want to use the change of season as an excuse to get more organized, there are so many simple and inexpensive ways to make your home feel more springlike.

In this month’s blog, Bogart Interiors is breaking down 5 ideas that offer you the inspiration you need to start rejuvenating your home design today!

Add fresh flowers. 

It’s a no-brainer that when we think of spring, we think of flowers! Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and so many more that lead the flower-growing season are just as beautiful and fragrant outside as they are inside. Adding flowers and freshening up your house plants is an easy and high-impact way to reinvigorate your home, making it feel brighter and more welcoming. 

Placing pots on your front steps will help to brighten up your entryway. Adding bud vases with tulips in your bathroom and other small spaces in your house will instantly spark signs of spring. Incorporate larger vases in your kitchen and dining room areas to create a bigger impact. With so many unique spring vases out there, it’s a great opportunity to go out of your comfort zone a little with the design detail. One of my favorite vases is the one-of-a-kind design created by Jacques Schickel Pottery (full disclaimer, he’s also my uncle!)  

Insider tip: Tired of waiting for the flowers to bloom in your backyard? If you own a forsythia bush, cut off a few of the branches and bring them inside. The warmer temps will force the little yellow blossoms to bloom in just a couple of weeks.

Wash your windows!

We’re sure the last thing you’re wanting to do right now is to wash your windows but it really can make a big difference when it comes to freshening up your home for spring. Not to mention how great it will feel to clean off all that salt and residue left over from the harsh winter elements. A soft cloth and some Windex or just some soap and water will do the trick in making your windows shine and make your home more visually appealing all around. 

Don’t have the time to clean all those windows or if you have windows that are too high to reach, consider hiring a window cleaning company that can do the job for you. Either way, you won’t regret the additional time or money you spend on getting it done.  

Get ready for dining al fresco.

We are counting the days until when we can all head outside for a family meal either by the pool or under the stars. As you mentally get yourself ready for the al fresco lifestyle, you’ll want to make sure you have all the elements necessary so the experience is as hassle-free as possible. I personally found this line of serveware from West Elm to be the best for transitioning to outdoor dining. They are so lightweight, indestructible, and family-friendly that we tend to use them year-round!

Other things you’ll want to consider are large umbrellas or anything that offers some shade, seating that is not only comfortable but flexible for small and large parties, lighting, and finally, tables that are easy to set up and store during bad weather. 

Change out your bedding.

A new set of crisp cotton sheets is just what you need for those warm spring and summer nights. It really freshens up your bedroom decor and your mood! I just bought these sheets from Boll & Branch and they are very lovely. Worth every penny. 

You can also look to swap out pillows (or just the shams) for fabrics lighter in color and texture. Choose fabrics that are mostly cotton, linen, or a mix of both to create a softer, relaxed feel for your home. This goes for the bedroom as well as around the home. Removing any of your heavier pillows from your sofa or chairs will instantly give your living space a cleaner, more airy look and feel. 

And don’t forget about those throw blankets! Definitely another item that can be easily swapped out to create a very different look for your home. This cotton throw blanket from Evangeline, based in Portland, Maine, is an all-time favorite. 

Keep the air fresh. 

And finally, if you’re looking to bring in a little more of that spring scent into your home, consider changing out your wintery-scented candle for something a bit more “fresher.” I’m loving Apotheke’s Earl Grey Bitters scent right now. It’s so refreshing and honestly feels like a blast of spring.

Similar to the bud vases, putting some tealights throughout your home, especially in small spaces like the bathroom and entryway can create a particularly welcoming vibe while ensuring these spaces stay fresh. 

Bonus idea: Need a little more light? I highly recommend these cordless table lamps from fatboy that are so versatile you can literally take them everywhere! 

We hope this gives you some fresh new ideas to get ready for spring!